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Xiamen boy supports disease-ridden mother

By Hu Meidong and Kang Jia| chinadaily.com.cn| Updated: Oct 14, 2019


Huang Sikai feeds his mother on Sept 12. [Photo/IC]

Teachers and students from the No.2 Experimental Primary School in Xiamen, East China's Fujian province, found themselves deeply moved a few weeks ago by the story of Huang Sikai, a sixth-grade student at the school.

On Sep 2, the second day of the new semester, Huang was invited to a special public class to share his story.

Twelve years ago, Huang's mother brought him into the world despite a life-threatening disease. Now, the boy has made the ties between them even closer, supporting his mother against illness.

In 2002, Huang's mother was diagnosed with a malignant lymphoma. It was predicted she would survive for only two months. Yet, she battled with the disease tenaciously and successfully brought Huang to the world.

Knowing the great pains his mother must have suffered, Huang grew to be sensible and considerate despite his young age, often cooking meals and washing the dishes at home so his mother can rest.

In 2015, another disease befell the poor mother – an atrophy in her eyes' blood vessels. The doctors at the local hospital suggested an implant surgery to cure the disease.

Hearing this, Huang, 8 years old at the time, fell into despair. He asked whether it could be delayed until the summer vacation, so he could make sure he was there to accompany her through the difficult period. The doctor agreed to his request.

A half month later, the surgery was arranged as scheduled. During the seven days before and after the operation, Huang stayed at the hospital for six nights.

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