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Xiamen highlights intangible arts and crafts

chinadaily.com.cn| Updated: Sep 26, 2019


Gaojia opera -- one of Xiamen's forms of intangible cultural heritage -- is staged at Yundang Academy on Sept 24. [Photo/taihainet.com]

Xiamen in East China's Fujian province began a series of educational activities on Sept 24, in celebration of the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China.

A performance featuring local intangible arts and crafts -- as an opening for the event -- was staged at Yundang Academy, one of Xiamen's cultural landmarks, on the first day.

A total of 15 examples of intangible cultural heritage featured during the show, including shadow sculptures, lacquer art and Xiamen bead embroidery.

As the cradle of southern Fujian's culture, Xiamen has nurtured a wealth of intangible arts and crafts over the years.

These forms of expression embody the wisdom and emotion of the ancestors and contain the cultural genes of the land, according to the organizers.