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Fujian governor meets officials from Qatar, Germany

chinadaily.com.cn| Updated: Sep 10, 2019


The 2019 China International Fair for Investment and Trade opens in Xiamen on Sept 8. [Photo/VCG]

Tang Dengjie, governor of Fujian province, met with Ahmad Al Sayed, Minister of State and Chairman of the Qatar Free Zones Authority and Rudolf Scharping, former Defense Minister of Germany, on Sept 8 -- both of whom came to Xiamen to attend the 2019 China International Fair for Investment and Trade.

After meeting Sayed and the Qatar delegation, Tang said that Qatar was an important cooperative partner involved in the Belt and Road Initiative.

Fujian will seek cooperation in the fields of the economy, trade, culture and tourism with Qatar -- to further deepen their mutual understanding and benefit the peoples of both sides, Tang added.

Sayed offered his congratulations on the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China and said he appreciated Fujian's achievements in its economic and social development.

He added that Qatar attached great importance to CIFIT and had participated in the event for many years.

After his meeting with Germany's Scharping, Tang said Fujian would take advantage of CIFIT and other important economic and trade platforms to strengthen exchanges with Germany and seek cooperation in emerging industries such as new energy vehicles, intelligent manufacturing and artificial intelligence.

Scharping spoke highly of the sound business environment and broad business opportunities in Fujian and Xiamen. He said he believed that more German companies would invest in Fujian in the future.