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Xiamen invests heavily in public projects

chinadaily.com.cn| Updated: Jul 10, 2019


A photo taken on May 3, third day of the Labor Day holiday in China shows heavy traffic on Haicang Bridge, an important channel connecting eastern and western Xiamen, Fujian province. [Photo/VCG]

The first six months of this year saw the investment of 27.65 billion yuan ($4.02 billion) in 88 key public projects in Xiamen, Fujian province, exceeding expectations and accounting for over half of the annual target. 

Investment in 44 infrastructure programs, totaling 17.9 billion yuan, has been completed on or ahead of schedule, fulfilling 53 percent of the annual target. Metro lines 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6 attracted 8.8 billion yuan in investments, a surplus of 760 million yuan. 

Public welfare projects, especially hospitals sitting outside the main island of Xiamen, such as Maluanwan Hospital, and the first phase of expansion on the Xiamen Fifth Hospital, received 770 million yuan in investment, accounting for 68 percent of the yearly target.


 An aerial view of Xiang'an Avenue on Dec 17, 2018 shows that traffic heading to the main island of Xiamen is heavily congested. [Photo/VCG]

Education projects are also progressing smoothly, as construction on the Xiang'an Campus of Xiamen University and Yindou Campus of Jimei University both made breakthroughs. 

Meanwhile, a road system containing two inner and outer ring roads as well as eight supplementary roads is under construction. An undersea tunnel, sitting at the junction between the inner ring road and the main island of Xiamen and Haicang district, is scheduled to open to traffic by the end of 2020. The southern part of the Xiang'an Airport expressway has also entered the final stage of construction.