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Xiamen Xiangyu Group recruits Taiwan talent

chinadaily.com.cn| Updated: Jun 5, 2019


The campus recruitment by Xiamen Xiangyu Group in Taiwan attracts many Taiwan college students. [Photo/xmnn.cn]

Xiangyu Group, one the world's top 500 companies which is based in Xiamen, in Fujian province, started campus recruitment in Taiwan for the first time recently, attracting more than 700 Taiwan college students.

Xiangyu Group has been expanding globally in recent years. The campus recruitment in Taiwan is the first stop for the company, in its push to seek out high-quality personnel in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan as well those at overseas universities.

According to the company, it will provide young Taiwan people with broad job opportunities, ranging from positions in investment research, investment management and finance, to supply chain marketing, operations management and logistics management.

"Jobs such as investment research and management are quite favored by young people in Taiwan," said a senior executive at Xiangyu Group.

The company said it is also providing opportunities for those selected to work in other countries such as Singapore and New Zealand.

"I have been looking for a multicultural work environment," said a Taiwan applicant. "Xiangyu's opportunity to work in different places around the world has fulfilled my expectations."

He also mentioned that Xiamen has issued a series of preferential policies for Taiwan people, providing them with a lot of benefits in their studies, starting up businesses, finding jobs and living in the city.

According to Xiangyu Group, in addition to providing career development opportunities, the company also offers Taiwan youth with round-trip air tickets to Taiwan twice a year and other benefits.